It has been a lot of work this year planning for Common Core. We are done working out the scope, sequence, pacing, chapters, CRM, etc. for o...
The link to the sample Common Core Pacing guide for RHS .
I get it, its a pretty hard sell to get people to buy a book about equations. But when you write a book called In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17...
This unit is the Similarity Unit being taught by some teachers at Rodriguez High School. It covers clusters: G-SRT.A Understand similarity...
Hi Friends, I want to make sure my students have the materials they need to succeed. So I've created a classroom project request at Dono...
I put together a manipulative idea for teaching the Empirical Rule (68 - 95 - 99.7% Rule) to my Stats class. It is posted on here . This wou...
I've been working hard on developing a unit for teaching geometry with Common Core. Transformation are a concept that supports a lot of ...
A few T-shirt designs I've been working on.
Apple decided to make the volume keys not make sound when you change the volume. I liked the quack sound and the feedback it gave so I knew ...
cd /Users/raystuckey/Downloads/occam-krt16o reboot the phone into recovery adb reboot bootloader edit and remove the -w and it ...